2025 Information
2025 Tentative Livestock Schedule
While all Market animals may begin arriving on Wednesday, August 20th, unless you are showing another species besides hogs, you should plan on coming in on the species specified day. We allow other Market species to come in and stall only if you have are showing hogs and the hogs are on the same trailer. We try to help exhibitors eliminate making multiple trips to bring their Market animals to the Fair and we ask that you respect the load-in day schedules. If you are not showing hogs, you will not be allowed on the grounds on August 20th to unload and stall your Market animals. Please check the schedule for your required load-in day! Stalls will not be issued unless the animal(s) and listed exhibitor are on the fairgrounds, we do not allow early stalling!
Market exhibitors should be familiar with all show requirements as well as the deadlines for animals which might be entered and shown in 2025. Click on the Market Animal Deadlines and Tentative Livestock Schedule above to find important deadlines.
The nomination procedures are posted below. Please note that you must obtain the nomination forms from your Extension Office, they are not posted online.